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    LED Lamp


    No radiation 405nm visible light

    Everyone is exposed to UV radiation from the sun and an increasing number of people are exposed to artificial sources used in industry, commerce and recreation.

    The sun is by far the strongest source of ultraviolet radiation in our environment. Solar emissions include visible light, heat and ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

    Just as visible light consists of different colours that become apparent in a rainbow.


    The UV radiation spectrum is divided into three regions called UVA, UVB and UVC.

    As sunlight passes through the atmosphere, all UVC and most UVB is absorbed by ozone, water vapour, oxygen and carbon dioxide. UVA is not filtered as significantly by the atmosphere.

    Data resources from WHO

    Our LED UV Light is a SAFE & VISIBLE UV LIGHT(405nm) , NOT UVA, UVB, UVC wavelength.

    可被看見且無幅射的紫外線光(405nm) UVA, UVB 和 UVC 波長

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    What is LED

    LED is a semiconductor device that emits light when current flows through it. Nowadays we use LED lamp/bulb & LED screen in everywhere.


    LED screens are used in many devices, including:

    • Televisions
    • Computer monitors
    • Smartphones
    • Tablets
    • Vehicle dashboards




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    How does it work

    Visible & harmless wavelength UV light


    Low watt LED lamps


    Special formula of MMA-FREE lash glue

    The glue will only react with certain wavelength of LED light, dry and secure totally within few seconds only.


    LED UV Lash Extension



    Have to be operating by

    certificated and knowledgeable lash technician.


    During the lash appt, eyes must close totally.

  • Why LED UV extension is better for eye? Friendly for sensitive eyes

    The LED glue will be dried in few second which reduce the chemical fume to irriate eyes, If your eyes are super sensitive with any kind/brand of traditional lash glue or watery eyes, must try LED Extension.

    Stronger resistance for oil & sweat

    Still need to wash lash extension regularly base on your life style.

    Who can not do LED UV extension?

    • If you can not fully cover eyeball while sleeping. (eg. open eyes can see 50% of eyeballs)
    • If you have special medical condition which can not contact with any UV wavelength for too long.

    No light should shine directly into eyes.